How to Create an AI Voice Clone for Free? Get Your Voice, AI-Powered

Tired of spending hours in the recording studio trying to get the perfect recording? Not anymore with AI Voice Clones. This technology revolutionizes the way you use your voice by creating a digital replica to be used on all your projects. Cool, isn’t it?

This article is a short guide on How to Create an AI Voice Clone. We’ll begin by understanding what AI Voice Clones are and how they work. Then, I’m going to walk you through the step-by-step process of creating a voice clone.

Finally, you can listen to some of the interesting examples I generated using my voice clone and look at potential alternatives. Ready to unleash the power of your voice clone in new ways? Let’s dive right in!

What is Voice Cloning?

Voice Cloning is a technology that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze a voice and reproduce an AI voice resembling it. 

To clone someone’s voice, the AI voice model is trained on their sample audio content. It uses this data to understand and mimic the vocal characteristics of the person, like their tone, style, intonation, pitch, pronunciation, etc. 

Some AI Voice Cloning tools are so accurate that it’s hard to tell the difference between real and AI. Using these tools, you can replicate your voice and use it for various use cases, like content creation, customer service, ads, etc.

How to Create an AI Voice Clone for Free?

Wondering how can you replicate your original voice? Well, it’s easy! Follow this guide to get equipped with the entire process. I have used the free version of PlayHT to demonstrate creating a voice clone.

Step 1: Sign Up on PlayHT

PlayHT - signup page

First, we will visit the official PlayHT website and sign up for a free plan using our Google ID or email account.  

Step 2: Create a New Clone

Once you log in to your PlayHT account, click on the ‘Voice Cloning’ tab from the left sidebar. Click on the ‘Create a new clone’ button.

create instant ai voice clone

You’ll get the option to create an Instant Clone or a High-Fidelity Clone. On the free plan, you’ll only be able to create an Instant Clone. So hit the ‘Instant Clone’ button.

Step 3: Upload Sample Audio File

For the Instant Voice Clone, you’ll have to upload a clear and high-quality audio sample at least 30 seconds long. 

PlayHT - uploading voice sample

It should be under 50 MB in size and in the following formats: MP3, WAV, MP4, M4A, AAC, etc. 

Step 4: Describe Your Audio

PlayHT - sample voice description

Give this audio a name and choose a gender. Then, you can pick a few labels from their list that best describe your voice and also write a more descriptive version below it. 

Step 5: Generate Voice Clone

Finally, you need to agree to the terms of use and hit the Clone Voice button. It creates your voice clone within a few seconds! 

Step 6: Use Cloned Voice 

PlayHT - using Cloned voice

Once the voice cloning is complete, hit the ‘Use’ button beside it. It will take you to the AI voice generation option with the cloned voice pre-selected. You can enter your script or try one of their sample scripts. 

Step 7: Edit Advanced Voice Controls

You can set your voice speed within the range of 0.5x to 1.5x speed. Under advanced voice controls, you can adjust the stability, similarity, and intensity of your voice on a slider bar. 

PlayHT - advanced voice controls

Finally, hit the ‘Generate speech’ button to produce speech in your cloned voice! This is the final speech generated by the voice clone. It sounds pretty realistic!

Examples Generated with AI Voice Clone

Example 1: AI News Narration

Example 2: Product Review

Example 3: Meditation

Example 4: Marketing Call

PlayHT Alternatives

1) ElevenLabs

ElevenLabs is one of the most powerful and versatile AI voice tools. It offers a large voice library to generate high-quality voiceovers. It also features an AI voice changer, voice dubbing, cloning, and AI sound effects. 

ElevenLabs homepage

The voice cloning is a premium functionality though. You can access it on the Starter plan for $5/month. Follow the steps below to generate a voice clone with ElevenLabs.  

  • Visit the ElevenLabs’ official website and sign up for the Creator account. 
  • Go to the Voice tab on the ElevenLabs dashboard. 
  • Click on the ‘Ádd Generative or Cloned Voice’ button. 
  • Choose the Instant Voice Cloning option and upload a few high-quality voice samples. 
  • Give a name to your voice and hit the Generate button. 
  • It will generate your voice clone you can then use on any text script. 

2) is an AI-powered video editing platform. It lets you generate AI videos, subtitles, videos with AI avatars, AI voiceovers, voice clones, etc. The voice cloning functionality is available on the Pro plan of Veed for ₹599/month. Follow the steps below to create your voice clone! homepage
  • Visit the website and sign up for a free account. 
  • On the dashboard, click on the ‘Create a New Project’ button. 
  • On the left panel, visit the Audio tab and choose ‘Voice clone’.
  • You’ll be asked to record a few sentences in your voice. Choose a language and start recording. 
  • Once the voice clone is created, you can paste your script and hit the play button to listen to the AI-cloned voice. 
  • However, it only lets you preview the first 6 seconds of the voice and the AI voice clone has a 1 hour expiry duration. 

3) Speechify

Speechify is one of the best AI text-to-speech apps. It features a library of 200+ AI voices in 50 different languages. Besides AI voice generation, it also features an AI voice cloning tool. But it’s only available on the Professional plan for $99/month. 

Speechify homepage

It also features a decent free plan that lets you generate 10 minutes of audio per month. To create your voice clone, follow the steps mentioned below. 

  • Visit the Speechify Studio and sign up for a free account
  • Create a new project and select AI voice cloning
  • Hit the ‘Create New Clone’ button and upload a voice recording or record yourself live. 
  • Enter your script and adjust the voice speed, pitch, and volume on a slider bar. 
  • You can also add breaks, pauses, and alternate pronunciations.
  • Finally, hit the Download button to export it to your device. 


I hope this guide helped you understand how to create a voice clone for free! These revolutionary AI tools mentioned in the above list will not only help you create professional-grade voiceovers but also enhance your creative process.

Try them out and let me know how accurate your voice clone turned out. Have you used any other AI voice-cloning software before? How was your experience with them? Do share in the comments below. 

Anyway, if your work revolves around audio and music production, you can check out these Best AI Voice Generators and Best AI Music Generators to find some creative ideas! This is Kripesh signing off. Cheers! 🙂

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Kripesh Adwani

Kripesh Adwani is a digital tool expert who buys, tests, and reviews SAAS tools for small businesses. Based on 10+ years of experience in tech he provides insightful reviews. His content is widely consumed, serving millions of users each month. Kripesh has also been featured in more than 50 publications, including The Economic Times, The Free Press Journal & Cloudways.

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